
Health Foundation News



Prospective Grantees Must Submit Letter of Interest by June 10, 2020


HIGHLANDS, NC – In what has been described as “an exceptional year of need”, Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation has announced its funding focus for 2020 will include assistance for needs relating to the coronavirus pandemic as well as collaborative and transformative solutions that will improve the health and well-being of our Highlands Cashiers and neighboring communities. Letters of Interest are due before June 10, 2020 and the application can be downloaded from


The Foundation’s board has outlined the following funding focus areas:

  1. Covid-19 Initiatives
    Providing financial support to immediate relief needs, as well as emerging and long-term solutions for COVID-19 related issues.
  2. Health and Access to Healthcare Initiatives
    Connecting our communities to sustainable and affordable health care services.
  3. Education Initiatives
    Expanding and improving education.
  4. Transformative, Innovative and Collaborative Solutions
    Providing lasting improvement to our communities’ overall health and well-being.


“We know that unprecedented circumstances are affecting families, homes, businesses and every aspect of life in our mountains.  Acting on this, our Board has agreed to allocate significant funding to help our communities,” said Board Chair, Dr. Walter Clark.

Robin Tindall, the Foundation’s CEO and Executive Director adds, “Given the magnitude of the coronavirus’ impact,  the Foundation is committed to helping those most vulnerable in our area, and investing in emerging solutions designed to assist the transition to health and economic recovery of the plateau and our extended region.”


Interested applicants may submit Letters of Interest beginning May 11 at Deadline for submission is June 10.


Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation is an independent public charity dedicated to providing leadership and funding to lift the health and well-being of Highlands, Cashiers and neighboring communities. The foundation awarded more than $2.5 million in grants to non-profits in 2019, its inaugural year. For more information, visit


About Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation

The Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation was established on February 1, 2019 as a 501 (c) 3 public charity with a purpose to improve the health and well-being of Highlands, Cashiers, and surrounding communities. As the Highlands-Cashiers Hospital conversion foundation we are committed to continuing a several-decade legacy of generosity and vision to ensure vibrant and healthy living for our year-round, seasonal and visiting families and individuals. Through partnerships with organizations, key stakeholders and caring donors, the Foundation aims to make positive and lasting change through investing in projects and programs that advance innovative solutions and improvements in peoples’ health and well-being. The Foundation also includes collaborative partnerships that serve the health and well-being of all people in western North Carolina, with particular emphasis on Macon, Jackson, Swain, Graham, Clay and Cherokee Counties. For more information please visit the website: or call 828-482-6510.

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Robin Tindall, CFRE
CEO and Executive Director


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