
Health Foundation News

What Does Primary Care Mean to Our Two New Doctors?

Dr. Ann Davis and Dr. Kristy Fincher

The American Academy of Family Practice defines primary healthcare as “the provision of integrated, accessible health care services by physicians and their health care teams who are accountable for addressing a large majority of personal health care needs, developing a sustained partnership with patients, and practicing in the context of family and community.”

For Drs. Ann Davis & Kristy Fincher – primary healthcare services mean much more.

Dr. Ann Davis says, “When you think of your primary care doctor and your healthcare visits, I’m sure you think of making an appointment for an annual physical, because you are feeling sick, or for chronic disease management. But, for me, as your family primary care physician, it means that I’m your first step towards being your healthiest you! It is very important to me that I am there for you, as my patient, when you need me, and most importantly when you need me to help you navigate the confusing world of healthcare.”

Serving on the “front line of healthcare” is what being a primary care physician is centered around. For many, your primary care physician is the first to see signs of depression, early signs of cancer, or other chronic illnesses. Your primary care physician ensures that you get the best care, the right care, and by the most appropriate provider – in keeping with your wishes and desires as their patient.

Dr. Kristy Fincher describes being a primary care physician in terminology she is very familiar with. As a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and former collegiate athlete with a special interest in sports medicine, “I like to think of myself and other primary care physicians as a coach of healthcare. It is our desire to provide you with the tools, training, and knowledge to speed up your recovery to help you maintain an active lifestyle. When managing your health concerns, I take into consideration all the different players that you will interact with on your healthcare journey. My goal is to assist with and help coordinate your care.”

Drs. Davis & Fincher know that through routine check-ups they can help you head off potentially serious medical problems. In fact, those of us who have a primary care provider are 19% less likely to suffer from premature death.

There is also the cost saving aspect – in fact people who have a primary care provider save 33% on healthcare over their peers who only see specialists.


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