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FAQs – Weekly In-School COVID-19

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding COVID-19 weekly testing at schools

Why is weekly testing in our schools for COVID-19 important?

  • Weekly COVID-19 testing in our schools will help your children and families stay safe and continue in-school learning.
  • Returning to school increases risk to exposure of COVID-19. Frequent testing, along with the other safety measures our schools have in place, will keep the risk of COVID-19 virus spread low. Medical science tells us that without frequent testing, the risk of COVID-19 infection is higher.
  • This testing program is designed to protect your children and families, as well as teachers and staff members on an ongoing basis this year. Parents and staff members can be more confident that attending school is safe.  Our goal is to keep kids in school.
  • In addition, keeping the risk of COVID-19 transmission low allows the economy to stay open and allows people to remain employed, which benefits the entire community.
  • Parental permission is required for students to be tested. No one is forced to participate in the testing program.
  • Please contact your school with any question about testing.

If I or my child has no symptoms of COVID-19, why do we need to be tested?

  • Medical science tells us that 40% or more of adults and children with COVID-19 may have no symptoms and not know they have the virus.
  • We also know that returning to school increases risk to exposure of COVID-19 due to being around more people for longer periods of time.
  • Safety measures our schools have in place PLUS frequent testing helps us lower the risk of spreading COVID-19.
  • Even people with no symptoms can spread the virus to loved ones, friends, and others without knowing it.
  • No child or family will be required to participate in the testing program. But, parental permission is required for students to be tested.

What is the accuracy of the test?

  • The tests have an accuracy rate of over 90%.
  • Mountain Park Urgent Care will administer the test using the safest, and most practical tests on the market at the time of the testing. We will stay current with testing technology.

What happens if I or my child tests positive?

  • Mountain Park Urgent Care will contact you with your child’s results.
  • Also, your County Health Department will contact you if your child tests positive. They will make sure your child feels well and give you the most up-to-date Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance for what to do next.
  • All results will remain confidential according to school policy. You, your child’s school, and the County Health Department will be notified of your child’s positive results.

If I have to isolate will I lose income?

  • Right now, there is Federal Assistance – Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) – if you or a dependent test positive with COVID-19 and need to isolate or become unemployed.
  • Please follow this link to use the FFCRA tool “This new tool makes it simple for workers to find out if they may be eligible for paid sick leave or extended family and medical leave under the critical protections of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act,” said Wage and Hour Division Administrator Cheryl Stanton. “As America reopens, this leave provides a crucial lifeline for millions of workers who need time off to care for themselves or their families. We want to ensure that everyone who is eligible knows about these protections and how to use them.”
  • Another helpful site to visit for more COVID-19 employment related questions is:

If I already had a positive test, do I need to be tested again? 

  • For the most up-to-date information on testing guidelines, please contact your local County Health Department.

What is the definition of a close contact?

  • A close contact is any person who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before symptoms began OR 2 days prior to a positive specimen collection. (CDC website:




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