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Jeff Heck, MD, MAHEC CEO

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Jeff Heck, MD, CEO MAHEC

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Since February 2012, Dr. Jeff Heck has served as CEO of MAHEC.

He attended Vanderbilt University, Medical College of Ohio, and completed a Family Practice Residency Program at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Dayton. He then spent 20 years as faculty at the
University of Cincinnati School of Medicine.

In 2004, Dr. Heck moved to Asheville to serve as Director of the MAHEC Division of Family Medicine. He then collaborated over a four-year period with Mission Hospital to found the Asheville Campus of the UNC School of Medicine.

He is a Professor of Family Medicine with UNC-Chapel Hill and Associate Dean for the Asheville Campus of the UNC School of Medicine.

Global health is an area of great interest to Dr. Heck, and he founded the not-for-profit organization Shoulder to Shoulder in 1990 to
provide much needed healthcare services in poor, rural Honduras communities, and served as its Executive Director for more than twenty years.

To read more about MAHEC please click here.


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