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Pisgah Legal Services – Tyler’s Story

Life during the pandemic is stressful enough but imagine losing your job and being threatened with eviction in less than 24 hours. That’s what happened to Tyler*, who came to Pisgah Legal Services for help.

Pisgah Legal Housing Attorney, Molly Maynard explains, “When Tyler and his roommates all lost their jobs in March, like so many people have in this pandemic, they struggled to make rent. Rather than working with them or even attempting to follow the legal eviction process, their landlord demanded they give her their keys and leave immediately, with nowhere to go. She even entered their house in the middle of the night, yelling at them to get out. That kind of thing would never be legal but was especially shocking and scary for them because of the health concerns it presents right now.”

“Pisgah Legal keeps people from taking advantage of the working poor.”  – Tyler

Tyler says, “Molly explained our rights as renters and told us we couldn’t be evicted right now. The landlord didn’t believe me when I told her I had access to a lawyer.” Then Molly contacted Tyler’s landlord.

Tyler says that Pisgah Legal’s intervention changed everything for him and his roommates. “After Pisgah Legal got involved and called our landlord, she calmed down, stopped the harassment and started talking about setting up a payment plan.”

Soon after, Tyler found a new construction job. He and his roommates also found new places to live and moved.

He says, “It’s reassuring that Pisgah Legal Services is in our community. This kind of thing happens all the time to renters. You all are a great resource for working-class people.”

*Name changed at client’s request


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