
Health Foundation News

Announcing the “new” Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation

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HIGHLANDS NC: A new beginning for the Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation was commenced on February 1, 2019 with an expanded goal of supporting health and well-being initiatives in the local Highlands Cashiers area and surrounding communities.

After many years serving the local hospital as the Highlands-Cashiers Hospital Foundation, the Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation has been re-purposed to help our philanthropic donor community to broaden support for initiatives that improve health and well- being conditions in our local communities and the surrounding area.

This transition was made necessary by the completed purchase of the local hospital by HCA Healthcare. The new Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation is still a certified 501 c 3 charity, and IRS rules do not allow direct charitable support to what is now a commercially operated hospital. But while the HC Health Foundation funding must be redirected, its passion and commitment to our communities and our donors has not changed.

Since its inception in 1985 the Hospital Foundation has worked with exceptionally generous donors to provide tens of millions of dollars for the local hospital.

Foundation Chairman, Dr. Walter Clark said, “Our Board is profoundly grateful for the enduring support of our generous donor community, and for their abiding dedication. Investments in the core communities where our donors live will continue. We still hold funds previously contributed by donors who reasonably anticipated that those monies would be reinvested in the immediate area. Moving forward, our new purpose builds upon our donor legacy of compassion and a shared vision of a healthy and vibrant community. We will continue to seek local support for local needs and demonstrate good stewardship of donor philanthropy.“

Robust communications with our communities, our donors and other nonprofit service providers is a top priority.   The new purpose of “supporting health and well-being” provides a broad range of opportunities including initiatives that address underlying causes impacting the health of individuals to innovative education and wellness initiatives, and more.

The Foundation will also look to extend efforts beyond its historical footprint. During this transition period, the HC Health Foundation has been engaged in discussions with the newly formed Dogwood Health Trust and five other regional foundations. This consortium is formulating preliminary plans to work together in ways that could serve expanded population areas in western North Carolina. Through this proposed collaboration, the foundation could expand its service area to include support for health initiatives in the six westernmost counties of the state.

According to Dr. Clark, “We see our mission as a catalyst for positive change throughout the six westernmost counties of the state. Projects that serve the broader region would be primarily funded by supporters interested in a regional focus.”

As the Foundation works to complete this transition, frequent updates will be provided. The Foundation appreciates your support and invites your inquiries.

For further information please visit

Information Contact:

Robin Tindall, CFRE
Executive Director

Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation
348 South Fifth Street
P.O. Box 742
Highlands, NC 28741



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